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Digital Native ??

by | Last updated: Dec 3, 2022

Digital Native

What is a Digital Native – a person born in to an era of modern digital technology, who becomes comfortable with digital technology just as they learn to walk or play, typically 21st Century kids. OR someone from the last century who studied computers, technology and all things

Digital, who appreciates its value and who can see opportunities for implementing it, whether that be in creating web based applications or to innovate production, marketing or sales etc.

People who are comfortable with new technologies, such as Networking, Web, Social Media and Comms, can and do, make a difference to any size of company or organisation.

MeanIT Digital Native

It is Nerd Time now, where the technology laggards watch on in awe as the landscape changes at a rapid pace. The daily onslaught of news and innovation, is so fast that even the Digital Native has a hard time keeping up or filtering. The Non Native is feeling lost and needs to just hire in a Native as quickly as possible to help stay abreast of things and make decisions.
Any organisation that does not get a decent Native team will be doomed and doomed quickly, in the way of the Farrier or Cobbler or Kodak to be more precise. Having said that, if you have a good Digital Native team on board, then this is Boom Time ! Get ahead of the competition and give the consumer what they want, when and where they want it. Most decisions or purchasing is now done online or researched online and the online marketplace is set to grow exponentially.

“Buyers have changed the way they buy, so sellers need to change the way they sell”

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Written by Michael MacGinty

Michael is a well known speaker, author and coach on SEO and how to use the web to grow a business. He is also WP Elevation certified as a Digital Business Consultant.
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