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Grant Aid for Website or Web Design

by | Last updated: Jun 29, 2021

Grant Aid for Website or Web Design offered by Local Enterprise Office

Local Enterprise Offices in every county are a good source of advice and grant aid. Below is some information on Grant Aids for 1. Start Up venture and 2 for existing business taken from Donegal Local Enterprise Office which includes Grant Aid for Website or Web Design offered

1. Grants for Start Ups – Priming Grant Aid

Grant Aid Advice

Our Priming Funding is designed to assist a micro-enterprise within the first 18 months of start-up. 
It covers 50% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum Board contribution of €80,000. 
Any Funding that is issued will be subject to an element of it being repaid to the Enterprise Board.

Priming Funding : Qualifying Expenses
Business Expansion Grant Funding: Qualifying Expenses
Expenditure may be considered under these headings:

Capital items: Office equipment, machinery, IT hardware/software and fit-out of workspace. 
(The Acquisition of land and building and Purchase of Mobile Assets are excluded.)
Salary costs: These costs may include the salary of a promoter and/or employee and apply to the first year of
employment only. The maximum amount allowable under this category is €8,000 per full-time position.
Rental / accommodation costs: Costs for first year of project will be considered.
Utility costs: These include installation costs for telephone and broadband. (Mobile phone costs are excluded.)
Marketing costs: These include packaging, brochures, business cards, trade fairs, website design and development.
Consultancy costs: These include fees for design, architectural, accountancy and legal services and patent costs.
Business-specific training: Costs here refer to specialised management or key personnel training programmes that are required to ensure the growth of the business. Such courses should not be otherwise available under the Board’s general training programmes.

Priming Funding – Terms & Conditions

The Priming Funding covers 50% of qualifying expenses (excluding VAT), subject to a maximum Board
contribution of €80,000. An application may comprise costs from one or more of the qualifying expense categories.

Only third party costs qualify ie activities that a business promoter commissions others to undertake.

An application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred
ie any expenditure incurred prior to the grant application date does not qualify.

Payment will be made on agreed receipt of proof of payment of all approved expenses. The VAT element of expenses will not be covered by any grant offer. Payments to state bodies, including local authorities, are also excluded.

Successful applicants must draw down approved amounts within expiry period stated in the letter of offer and
applicants may draw down part or all of any approved amount in a number of payments.

The approval of all applications and the payment of all monies is dependant upon the availability of 
financial resources under this scheme from the Department of Jobs, Enterprise, & Innovation.

2. Grants for existing Businesses – Business Expansion Grant

MEANit Business GrantsOur Business Expansion Funding is designed to assist a micro-enterprise that has been trading for over 18 months. 
It covers 50% of eligible costs, subject to a maximum LEO contribution of €80,000. The level of funding provided is determined by the level of job creation identified in the business plan. Consideration will also be given to sustaining jobs already created that have not been previously grant aided.

Business Expansion Grant Funding: Qualifying Expenses
Expenditure may be considered under these headings:

Capital items: Office equipment, machinery, IT hardware/software and fit-out of workspace. 
(The Acquisition of land and building and Purchase of Mobile Assets are excluded.)
Salary costs: These costs may include the salary of a promoter and/or employee and apply to the first year of
employment only. The maximum amount allowable under this category is €8,000 per full-time position.
Rental / accommodation costs: Costs for first year of project will be considered.
Utility costs: These include installation costs for telephone and broadband. (Mobile phone costs are excluded.)
Marketing costs: These include packaging, brochures, business cards, trade fairs, website design and development.
Consultancy costs: These include fees for design, architectural, accountancy and legal services and patent costs.
Business-specific training: Costs here refer to specialised management or key personnel training programmes that are required to ensure the growth of the business. Such courses should not be otherwise available under the Board’s general training programmes.

Business Expansion Funding – Terms & Conditions
The Business Expansion Funding covers 50% of qualifying expenses (excluding VAT), subject to a maximum LEO contribution of €80,000. An application may comprise costs from one or more of the qualifying expense categories.

Only third party costs qualify, ie: activities that a business promoter commissions others to undertake.

An application must be made prior to any expenditure being incurred, 
ie: any expenditure incurred prior to the grant application date does not qualify.

Grant payment will be made on receipt of proof of payment of all approved expenses.
The VAT element of expenses will not be covered by any grant offer. Payments to state bodies, including local authorities, are excluded.

Successful applicants must draw down approved amounts within the time period specified in the letter of offer.

The approval of all applications and the payment of all monies is dependant upon the availability of 
financial resources under this scheme from the Department of Jobs Enterprise, & Innovation.

A number of our Clients have qualified for Grants that part covered their website creation costs – talk to your local board.https://www.localenterprise.ie/Donegal/

Note: Add to this the specific NDS or National Digital Strategy Trading Online voucher which offers 50% grant on any investment of up to €5000 for a website with eCommerce element – see full details in our article HERE.

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Written by Michael MacGinty

Michael is a well known speaker, author and coach on SEO and how to use the web to grow a business. He is also WP Elevation certified as a Digital Business Consultant.
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