Tis the season to be jolly or even better, be generous.
Can we use your time or talents to help another person this Christmas, just one person or one family.
We can donate to charity and this is a great help to these organisations to pay for their time to do good on our behalf. But maybe this year we could consider the giving of some of our time. By stepping up and volunteering, we can inspire others to do the same – imagine the power of that!
We all have the power to make a difference and it is great to be able to do so. Christmas is a time when we can step out of our norm and do something different. Rather than feel inhibited, step out and make a difference, especially with all the negative effects of wars in Ukraine and Gaza plus the confusion of an expected recession.
Twelve ways to make a difference at Christmas
- Donate money – by all means do help finance good deeds & great efforts by structured charitable organisations – there are so many good ones doing great work on our behalf
- Volunteer – offer yourself to participate with your chosen charity or club
- Declutter – some of the unused “stuff” that you posess may be of good use to someone else – call Simon or Vincent
- Neighbours – drop in and talk to the neighbours, keeping your distance, particularly the elderly, ensure they are okay for Christmas
- Goodwill – do something we never do, that is not expected of us, to make a difference
- Random act of kindness – just do it on the spur of the moment, be impulsive, help someone, nobody needs to know
- Thank someone – the coach who trains our kids, the teacher who inspires them, the doctor, nurse, care giver or bus driver who cares for their safety. Or their own friends parents who treat them like family, driving them to training or feeding them
- Listen – focus on listening attentively to our spouse, our kids, our family or friends – just still the mind, chill the beans, focus on hearing and really understanding what is being said. It might allow us learn what they really want from us for Christmas. Chances are they simply want our attention
- Church – visit one, any one, in the quiet of the day, sit still and alone with our thoughts, enjoy the peace, the silence and the time to reflect
- Confidence – can we help someones confidence or self belief, this will last more than just one season and could inspire that person to be all that they can be.
- Laugh – Spread a little sunshine as we go. “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” — Victor Hugo
- Time – Give of ourselves to make someone feel better, this is when we truly give, maybe the best thing we can do and will generate oxytocin that will make you feel better too. Giving is always more rewarding than receiving and it feels good because it is good.
‘Time for you‘ – allow yourself some time to enjoy life and all its bounties. There will be plenty of time to think about the stresses and demands after Christmas and way in to the New Year, so make some time for you as best you can. You know what the alirlines say, “Put on your own oxygen mask first, before you try to help others”.
Happy Christmas to you and yours. May the New Year be healthy, happy, peaceful, exciting and rewarding.
Remember Santa Claus, because without the magical excitement of Christmas, many of your earliest dreams would never have been fulfilled. Santa helped so many people make dreams a reality for so many children. Now we can be Santa’s little helper.
Remember voluntary organisations like Wikipedia and consider helping Jimmy Wales keep it going by donating HERE – Unlike ChatGPT this is a great Independent asset to all of us.
Remember yourself, take the time to enjoy Christmas, to be grateful for what you have got and to recognise your own achievements over the past year. Taking some time to yourself, is a great way to be good to others. A bit of mindfulness on our own part, might be very much appreciated by the whole family, as well as by ourselves. Remember people who need help this Christmas – be grateful if we do not need help this year. If we do need help, we can reach out and let people help us. There is no need to be, or to feel alone. Many people, entrepreneurs especially, live a very lonely existence, so they understand the challenges and we can talk to people who really do understand. Not every one gets to enjoy a fairytale Christmas and many people try very hard at Christmas to cover up. Be honest and talk to someone if you do need help. It might surprise you to find out how many people you know, have been where you are now or a lot worse worse. Whatever our predicament, we are not the first person to get there.
“Into this climate of fear and apprehension, Christmas enters,
Streaming lights of joy, ringing bells of hope
And singing carols of forgiveness high up in the bright air.
The world is encouraged to come away from rancor,
Come the way of friendship.”
Dr Maya Angelou from “Amazing Peace: A Christmas Poem 2005.