Omaille Website Design Galway

“I am so so so happy with this website. At last I can be proud of my website. And I can use it too – brilliant…”

Pádraic Ó Máille

Business Mentor, Ó Máille

Pádraic Ó Máille – Galway 

Pádraic Ó Máille- Galway

The Client
Pádraic Ó Máille has been a Corporate Business Mentor and Public speaker for 25 years, with a focus on Family Businesses in Ireland. As a succesful published author Pádraic has featured on RTE and Today FM to name a few radio stations. He has delivered in front of thousands of people, has mentored hundreds of family business owners, solicitors, accountants and a variety of business executives. in his Smacht programme, Pádraic would get a lot of his new clients from Word of Mouth marketing. His schedule was kept busy and seemed to populate itself. Some gigs were recurring, some were new. But Pádraic, whilst kept busy, was not always getting the sort of gigs he wanted. He had a website which featured much of his past work and much of his new incoming work was similar. A long enforced stay in hospital, gave Pádraic a wonderful opportunity to review what work he was doing and what he would like to do, when he would get back to good health. He had to listen to his own advice.

The Supplier
Having encountered the work of MEANit through one of his clients, Pádraic was recommended to talk with Michael MacGinty, who was himself also a past client at Smacht. So Pádraic knew the quality of work he could expect. After a long introspective conversation with Michael, Pádraic was convinced to create a new modern custom designed website that reflected the Pádraic Ó Máille of 2020’s. “You asked the questions, I had not considered and made me feel uncomfortable with my own messaging. That first meeting was full of incisive questions, that really dug deep and got to the nub of what I truly wanted. It was not a website I wanted. I wanted a certain type of gig, a certain calibre of client. So together we focused on getting a website that would deliver what I wanted.“

The Brief
I just want it to be simple Micaleen” said Irelands Best known Business Coach and Mentor. “And I want it to look ‘real’ sharp” “And I want it to look better than any other Business Coach website. And I want it to be easy to use” That’s all he wanted, so we were very clear. Build a very sharp, professional looking website for Ireland’s Number 1 Business Coach. Oh and empower him to write then publish his own content through his blog.

The Approach
We drew up a site plan with navigation and a full wireframe or plan. Then with the clients approval for that brief, we proceeded to design a custom graphic design or mockup. Then after 4 or 5 or 6 revisions we went to work on what is arguably the sharpest looking business coach website in Ireland. Built on WordPress, we integrated the clients Blog and trained him how to use it to good effect. Innately a good writer, Pádraic makes good use of his blog, consistently, never missing a weekly post. Each one a gem in its own right, to help people
Think Clearly.
Act Now.
Keep Score

The Results for Pádraic
Clients comment on the simple navigation and professional look of the new website and enquiries are up on last year. More importantly the enquiries are now the sort of ones that Pádraic really really wanted. Pádraic is now doing great work for great people for great money. All is good and Pádraic Ó Máille is very happy, if very busy at the same time, doing what he wants to do.

The Results for MEANit
We have another great design for our professional services portfolio.
As a Smáchtee it was great to get to work with Pádraic on this project on a personal basis.

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