“Thanks so much for all this work I absolutely love it and it’s going to be such a huge help for so many people.”
The Redress Focus Groups
Redress Focus Groups – Making Change Happen Together
The Client
RFG was borne out of frustration, established in early 2023 by Roisin Gallagher and Brenda Tierney Joyce, as affected homeowners. Affected by the Defective Concrete Crisis in Donegal. With funding and a small band of dedicated Volunteers, they decided to create a Support Group for all affected homeowners.
The Problem
The new group had no public platform no newspaper, radio programme, or website.
In order to communicate what is happening with respect to all aspects of the crisis, an online platform was needed. Facebook did not work well, so it wa sdecided that a great website would allow for much more engagement with home owners.
The Brief
Create a new website, designed to be easy to navigate, but crammed full of questions and answers. The deciion to have 10 groups, meant having 10 sections on the website and 10 news categories and possibly 10 editors, if volunteers stepped forward.
The Approach
After the initial conversation with Roisin, it was clear what we needed to do. So we planned out the wireframe and page structure then Roisin got working on the content along with some of the Support Group members. It soon started taking shape.
Then Brenda stepped in and did a total redesign, adding new branding and graphic elements and making the website look fresh, user friendly and positive.
The Results for Redress Focus Groups.
The site launched in October 2023. Roisin was a very happy woman, a tired, exhausted one.The client is very happy and the website is getting great reviews, from group members and media. But the work is just starting. People are volunteering and adding more content, so this is just beginning.
The Results for MEANit
This was a labour of love, a project that helps our local community. With the skillset in our team we were able to make this happen for Roisin and RFG. Working with Brenda added so much more, so we take great pride in what we have created as a collective.