“Thank you for everything you have done for me – very happy. As to why I went with Meanit , I had other options yes and maybe cheaper but to be honest once I met you that’s what sold it for me. You put me at ease straight away and had a good understanding of what I was looking for. So once again thank you “
Wood Floor Fitter – Donegal
The Brief
Ken Lee asked for a simple starter website that would tell people that he is an experienced wood floor fitter in Donegal and Derry. Nothing complicated. Then add some of his photos of work done and ensure people could contact him with ease, especially on a mobile phone.
Our Approach
This starter website is designed to be very clear about what Ken Lee does, as in he is a Wood Floor Fitter and where he does it, as in Donegal and Derry. The team at Wood Floor Fitter supplied the initial content and then trained up on how to manage the website. We wanted to produce a web presence that would generate the right type of leads and be easily managed by the Lee Family.
The Results
Ranking on Page 1 of search for many of the preferred key terms and loading fast, this site is working out so well for Ken. He is very happy with it. No frills, no fluff, just a good starter website for a wood floor fitter – simple.
[caldera_form_modal id=”CF59c8c85bae57a” type=”button”]Ready to start? Let’s talk[/caldera_form_modal]