WP Elevation Certified
WP Elevation Certified Michael MacGinty as a Wordpres Digital Business Consultant in April 2017.
All the time invested paid off when our own Michael MacGinty got 100% in his WP Elevation Blueprint Course which certifies him as recognised Wordpress Digital Business Consultant. The course is a challenging 6 modules that help ensure that we deliver a better quality service to our clients. The training he received is being put in to place immediately. We added a number of new processes, to ensure that we adopt best practice in every aspect of our business. The course itself helps Michael get to grips with how to do things in the best way for our clients, in their Wordpress websites. Our Developers are now working on new processes for Wordpress development for our clients.
Wordpress AgencyAs a result of this certification, we as an Agency will no longer study or train in the Joomla framework. We need to focus on one platform in order to become truly proficient in its use. That platform will be Wordpress going forward. Following on from Best Practice models by other WP Elevation graduates we have tweaked our technology stack, to include Wordpress tools and apps. As from May 1st 2018 we only develop websites in Wordpress.