What should I expect from my website?
Ten things your website should give back to you.
1. Leads – if your website educates visitors, they should be somewhat advanced on the whole buying cycle
2. Enquiries – an opportunity for customer or potential customers to ask questions online 24/7/365
3. Sales – if you have an eCommerce website that is enabled
4. Telephone calls – direct from the website. Many people find your number when they visit your website and telephone rather than email
5. Contacts – Check your contact form every week, to ensure it works and check the messages it sends when used
6. Social validation – if you facilitate it, some visitors will ‘like’ content or give you reviews
7. Engagement through your Blog as you publish to show authority in your area of expertise
8. Feedback – encourage it, ask for it and respond t it.
10. Newsletter opt ins
And expect to curate and maintain it, constantly to improve your results, your visitor numbers and conversions..
As the website is ever evolving, you will want to react to visitor requests and try to tweak the website to get more engagement. Treat it like a real office or store and look after people when they visit, so that they engage with you. Check your Google Analytics to see what visitors are doing on your website.
Note: Make sure that you sign up to a website Monthly Support Plan.