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Awareness of product, solution, problem or person.

by | Last updated: Dec 7, 2022

What is the problem you can solve well ?

I forget who I heard recently talk about this, but I liked the simple point of the discussion and it got me thinking, so hence the article for the Blog. The conversation was about the Gene Schwartz book from 1966 “Breakthrough Advertising” and his 5 defined categories of audience awareness.

Most aware

solution-awareness-web-partnersThese are the people who know about you, your product, the way it solves a specific problem and they may already be dealing with or talking to you. All that is left is to reach agreement about price and delivery. This is probably the group of people you are currently conversing with, sending samples, price lists, images etc. They could be existing clients or people on your mailing list.

Product Aware

The topic was awareness, as in, you have a target market, some potential clients that may be product aware, in as much as, some people may be aware of the product or service that you offer, but they do not know you or your company, so you need to build trust somehow. Become the Authority on the subject and offer advice to show that authority. Answer questions, write articles, be helpful and start building the relationship, so that when ready, the client will come to you. Look at WOMM Word of Mouth Marketing and getting referrals from existing clients.

Solution aware

be-the-web-solution-in-irelandOther people will be Solution aware, as in they know the results required, but they are not sure if you are the person or company to provide it or that your product/service can deliver that solution. Show that you are sympatetic to their plight. This again is where Authority will stand to you and now add in some Testimonials, Case Studies, Before and After cases etc. Show that you can deliver the solution well and at a good value for their investment. Verbalise it, write it down and agree it in advance. Frame your presentation by showing why you deserve the price you need to charge. And make sure you clearly understand the desired outcome.

Problem aware

On top of that you have people who are problem aware, know they have a problem and that they have to do something about it, but not that there is a ready solution to the problem. So, you have to educate them on the solution and the fact that you can offer it competently. This is the greater number of people in your Target Audience and they need lots of information, but you have to get it to them via website and search engines, adwords and content marketing. Talk to your digital marketer about getting a plan of action. Many of these people will contact you and ask for a price, just a figure, even though the answer is rarely that simple. How much is a house or a car – well it depends on so many factors.

Completely unaware

This is where the person is unaware that they have a problem or that there is a solution and someone who can deliver it. Maybe they are considering the potential that they have a problem, so they start browsing and asking for quotes. It may seem counter-intuitive to say no, but these enquiries could tie you up and go nowhere, so focus on the other guys.

Marketing awareness

Now you have identified 5 groups of potential clients and have to market to each persona or type. How you market to each persona will be different or at least the content will be differennt, in order to lead the persona to where they want to go, in stages. The more aware the client of their problem, the shorter the journey in the marketing delivery. The plan is to show that you offer a value product or service, back it up. Then work on the relationship and finally, propose a solution, ONLY, when you totally understand the problem. Help the client find the solution that you offer by bringing them on the journey to educate them on why they need the solution and why from you specifically.

Start with your Core Message and then offer a Lead Magnet of some sort to allow people connect in an Opt In page. Create a Targeting Plan, use Facebook Ads or Google Adwords and start an email sequence to get various Personas to specific Sales Pages. Create the Personas and work out the best ways to connect with them. Use as many as you can think up. You can tweak the strategies and tactics as you go along. Start somewhere, get writing, get creative, test and recalibrate regularly.

Example: We had a potential customer call today who wants a quote for a Magento Community eCommerce website. It was very specific-Product Aware, knows what they want and just needs a price and terms plus assurance that we are the right partner.  In a separate call we had someone say that they have a small store and want to sell online. This person is Problem Aware, not Product Aware.

Tools & Steps:

Core Message – Clearly communuicate your core message about why you are the best option and the value you offer, to position yourself to stand out from other suppliers.
Lead Magnet – Create one that people will want to subscribe for Tips, Trials or Tools, eBook or discount offer, whatever it takes to get the name and email address of your visitors.
Targeting Plan – Part of an overall Digital Strategy.
Facebook Ads –  See here
Google Ads – Read more here
Personas – Individual Buyer persona to help you image what the customer perspective is like, so that you can address their concerns.
Sales Pages – Pages or Landing Pages that offer the correct advice to each Persona depending on how far they are along the sales process.
Auto Responder – Autoresponders automatically answer e-mails or subscriptions sent to it. Lead Pages is a good example, but Mailchimp offer the service too.

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Written by Michael MacGinty

Michael is a well known speaker, author and coach on SEO and how to use the web to grow a business. He is also WP Elevation certified as a Digital Business Consultant.
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