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Photographers Websites

by | Last updated: Dec 7, 2022

Top Tips on having Photographers Websites

Some Photographers will want simple Starter Photographers Websites with about 5 pages as a basic web presence with contact details and services listed in a way that is reflective of their Persona. Others will want to expand on their photographic services in detail, to attract more visitors, to educate them, to filter them, and engage them. Some will want to start with option one and grow to option 2 in time – it can be done in stages. We list lots of Tips here to help you plan what you need and avoid the pitfalls – contact us any time for a consultation at our cost.

10 Opening Questions for Photographers Websites:

Professional Web Services Donegal1. Why do you want a photographers website?
2. Do you need a website at all?
3. Is it just a Brochure site or online publication, a shop, a Booking Engine or Blog
4. Who is the Target Market?
5. Who will create the website? Why?
6. Who will manage it? Support and Train you
7. Do you have a Digital Marketing Strategy? A plan?
8. How much business do you project will come from your web presence?
9. How will you measure your return on any investment?
10. What other questions come to mind for your specific business – every Client has specific requirements for their target market?

Give people what they want and you will be successful on the web as in life“. Michael MacGinty 2008
PS Keep it simple 

Having a website is just the start of the Journey.
For a Photographer, it is like buying a camera – Step 1. It is more than a tool. Research what to buy. You have to learn how to use it to good effect or have someone do it for you or with you by outsourcing some of the work. It has to be maintained and updated. It needs constant attention, cleaning, plugins, software updates, apps, and useful add-ons – but most of all useful content. http://www.adorama.com

Which type of Photographers Websites do you need?

CMS – Get a website that is built in a CMS Content Management System. Content is King, it will decide your success on the net, so create it, add it, moderate it and make yourself stand out as an Authority. You are the best person to produce good content, do not leave its creation to someone else.
Blocks – Get one that is Modular so that you can move elements around without needing a Developer eg. Add or move a scrolling Testimonials module on the Home page yourself.
Theme – Get one that is Thematic or Theme-based, so that you can change the whole theme without having to create a new website. Also, this makes it easier for you to move to a new web Partner – No basic HTML developers who have to make every change for – at a price. Have the facility to add or change a Gallery type without needing a whole new website
Navigation – Make Navigation simple, intuitive, stand out and logical
Blog – Show off your knowledge, experience, and useful info from the industry on your website Blog and repost that content via Social and Forums, etc.
Social integration – Tie in all Blogging, Social Media, and Advertising to your website content and draw people to the site – they might just connect with you by asking a question
Imagery – Use High Quality but low res images with equally good messages and Alt Tags – get this wrong and you shoot yourself in the foot

Design: Plan your Branding, colours, content, and CTAs before talking to a Developer. Most Agencies are not good at MultiTasking. Chances are you need a 1.Domain Registrar, 2. Hosting Company, 3. Web Graphic Designer, 4. Web Developer and 5.Digital Marketer.

Budget in Year 1 for 12 months for Branding, Design, Photography, CMS Website, Advertising, and Digital Marketing. Do a new budget for year 2 based on proven success. The higher the spend the higher and faster the return – GUARANTEED!
Tip: Get good web partners, pay them to be supportive – establish an ongoing relationship in the same way you do with your Accountant or suppliers. It is outsourced labour.

Treat this Web project like opening a Studio – How much would that cost? How much attention would you give it? Build what you need rather than buy something at a set price. Your requirements should dictate the cost rather than the cost dictating what you get. The website will be ever-evolving – do not ignore it. Add content every day or few days. Strive to continually improve your shop window.

“Buyers have changed the way they buy, so sellers must change the way they sell.”  Michael MacGinty 2010

Web is the future. Do not take the Kodak approach. Remember Kodak

The good news about the web is – It can Promote you, get you found, showcase your work, make appointments, take deposit payments, sell accessories or images, allow Client access and manage contacts with a CRM.

Now you are in the picture!

Any questions just drop us an email and we will be happy to answer them or use the quick contact form here.

In the USA last year 1 in 8 couples met online. Get known online, show competence, and be seen while potential customers are browsing. People buy people before products – why are you different?  People buy from people they know, like and trust – get known online, show competence and display testimonials.

About The Author

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Written by Michael MacGinty

Michael is a well known speaker, author and coach on SEO and how to use the web to grow a business. He is also WP Elevation certified as a Digital Business Consultant.
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