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Websites for Hairdressers

by | Last updated: Dec 6, 2022

Websites for Hairdressers – Smart & Stylish

Hairdressers_website_designFor the Hairdressers some obvious website benefits are:

1. Web presence – Get seen on the web – create the look or impression that you want to portray and sell the specific benefits of the salon, the style, staff, experience, colouring, pricing – pitch the USPs Unique Selling Points
2. Mobile – Mobile friendly Responsive design for smartphones
3. SEO – Get seen and found on the web as the websites have simple Search Engine Optimisation tools. Training and support available for Client or their Digital Marketer
4. CMS – Full Content Management System allows them add, edit or delete content including pages, images and text. Training and support available
5. Redesign – new look or freshen up every 3 years included
6. Social Media Integration – they can tie in their Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest account to appear in the website
7. Calendaring – We set up an appointments calendar to allow Clients book and pay for appointments 24/7 saving time for the hairdresser. Any cancellation can incur a fee for rescheduling. No need to spend 10 minutes at the till taking money or making appointments.
8. eCommerce – Payments can be taken online for appointments or products
9. Value – Low cost Monthly Payment option
10. No Contract – No big outlay, no risk, no penalties – Guarantees success
11. Futureproof – This solution allows for adding PlugIns that may become useful in the future just like Google Maps or Google Places today etc.
12. CRM – Customer Relationship Management system can be added to allow Clients connect with customers to send them offers, reminders, invites or news.
13. Recruitment – Attract  good staff by having a website that looks well and would entice the right people

Design by Fiona O’Reilly of ONTheDot

Options Simple Business Enterprise
Pages 5+ 10+ Unlimited
Home page Y Y Y
About page Y Y Y
News page Y Y Y
Volunteer page Y Y Y
Contact Form Y Y Y
Pay Button Y Y Y
Facebook integration Y Y Y
CMS Content Management System Y Y Y
Mobile responsive Y Y Y
Design theme Y Y Y
eMail redirect Y Y Y
Google Analytics Y Y Y
Basic SEO Y Y Y
Manual Y Y Y
Open source Y Y Y
Page Builder with Drag n Drop Y Y Y
Training N Y Y
Gallery N Y Y
Blog dynamic N Y Y
Newsletter integration N Y Y
Survey/Poll N Y Y
Events Calendar N Y Y
Forum N N Y
Shop N N Y
Member area N N Y
Support email 72 hours email 48 hours email 24 hours
Monthly Support Optional Optional Optional
Hosting monthly 10 20 POA
Custom design POA POA POA
Digital Marketing POA POA POA
Hours included for Developer 10 20 POA
Price estimate 1000 2000 POA
Book Now Book Now Book Now

If you are a hairdresser and are interested in Websites for Hairdressers then get in touch with us here today.

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Written by Michael MacGinty

Michael is a well known speaker, author and coach on SEO and how to use the web to grow a business. He is also WP Elevation certified as a Digital Business Consultant.
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